Improve Website Engagement & Achieve Higher Conversions

Summit Scout’s Conversion Rate Optimization experts use data-driven strategies to increase leads, traffic, and sales right to your business!

conversion rate optimization experts increased page clicks


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the practice of testing and optimizing a website to increase conversions on a web page. Conversion Rate Optimization experts run tests to analyze and determine how site visitors best respond and engage on your website.

Website goals and results vary with each business. Common goals can include more form submissions, phone calls, newsletter subscriptions, or purchases.

conversion rate optimization experts increase mobile purchases

Is Conversion Rate Optimization Worth It?

Did you know that nearly half of all website pages are not optimized with CRO? 
If you don’t test to optimize your website conversions, you could be missing out on opportunities to capture even more conversions!


Average ROI of CRO Tools


of B2B marketers say CRO is the most useful metric for analyzing website performance


of CRO programs deliver higher sales


mobile website cro marketing

On average, our clients see 20% increased conversions within 3 months of starting with Summit Scout’s Conversion Rate experts.

With our driven approach to conversion rate optimization (CRO), we have helped our clients achieve:

  • 5% increase in conversions within the first month
  • 42% increase in overall conversions
  • $272,283 increase in overall revenue

CRO improves your website conversions through a better user experience. That means more views, more clicks, and more leads for your business.

What Do

Summit Scout’s Conversion Rate Optimization
Experts Do?

Our Conversion Rate Optimization experts specialize in performing tests and optimizing websites to increase a desired action on a web page. Our goal is to help improve your conversion process and capture more leads or online sales.

Summit Scout personalizes tests to help take the guesswork out of website edits and optimization for greater results. This includes:

Gathering and Analyzing User Behavior

Gathering and Analyzing User Behavior

The first step in our process is setting up Google Optimize to start gathering data. Our Conversion Optimization experts will analyze the data to better understand your website’s user behavior. This is also where we identify missed opportunities showing where people fail to make the desired action.

Customer Behavior Testing

Customer Behavior Testing

Based on the findings above, the next step will be to create a testing strategy with Customer Behavior Testing and Split A/B Testing. Customer Behavior Testing uncovers details on user behavior and preferences using session recordings, researching target markets, and more.

Optimize Web Page Copy

Optimize Web Page Copy

Our team of conversion rate optimization experts will also identify opportunities to bolster weak content. Optimizing web page copy to be less passive entices potential customers to engage with your website, and return again in the future.

Enhancing CTAs

Enhancing CTAs

A key factor in CRO marketing efforts is to optimize CTAs (call-to-action) that will promote the desired action. Generic CTAs like “Learn More” are missed opportunities. Through Split Testing, the data will show what CTAs people respond to best, and it will be applied and updated throughout the website.

Ongoing CRO Performance Monitoring

Ongoing CRO Performance Monitoring

Summit Scout will monitor Google Analytics for CRO performance. We will use the data to determine which updates have made a significant impact on conversion rates and identify any changes in user behavior requiring additional optimization.

Conduct A_B Testing

Conduct A/B Testing

The most common CRO test is called an A/B test (also called Split Testing). A/B testing requires testing a single factor each time to truly understand user behavior on the web page. This can include:

  • Positioning important information differently throughout 
the page
  • Testing different CTAs (calls-to-action)
  • Changing the color
  • Using different visuals (images, videos, infographics, etc.)
  • Updating the
  • And more!

Conversion Rate Optimization FAQ


Whether you're looking to increase your sales, capture more emails and leads, or get more phone calls, our conversion rate optimization services will help you reach your goal.

Schedule a free consultation today with a CRO expert and see how we can help increase your website conversions, traffic increases, and business revenue.