SEO Technical Audit Service: A Guide to Finding a Trusted SEO Provider for Your Technical SEO Needs

Is your website struggling to climb the search engine rankings? Feeling lost in the technical lingo of SEO and unsure what’s holding you back? You’re not alone. Many businesses underestimate the crucial role of technical SEO audits in achieving organic visibility. These comprehensive assessments dig deep into your website’s foundation, exposing hidden roadblocks that search engines might encounter while crawling and indexing your pages.

However, with a vast array of SEO providers offering technical audits, how do you navigate the landscape and find one that truly understands your needs and delivers impactful results? Let’s take a deeper dive into different SEO technical Audit services and how they can benefit your business here!

If you’re interested in learning what Summit Scout has to offer when it comes to technical SEO services, learn more here!

What’s Included in SEO Technical Audit Services?

Imagine your website as a car. You can have the flashiest paint job and most luxurious interior, but if the engine sputters and the wheels wobble, you’re not going far. That’s where SEO technical audits come in. They’re like taking your website under the hood, meticulously examining its inner workings to ensure it’s running smoothly for search engines.

So, what exactly gets checked during an SEO technical audit? Here’s a peek:

  • Crawlability and Indexing: This checks if search engines can easily access and understand your website’s structure. Think of it as ensuring the roads are clear and your sitemap is accurate. Broken links, robots.txt issues, and site speed are all scrutinized here.
  • Mobile Friendliness: In today’s mobile-first world, your website needs to be optimized for smaller screens. The audit analyzes responsiveness, mobile page speed, and structured data implementation to guarantee a seamless experience for phone users.
  • Content Quality and Optimization: While technical aspects are crucial, content is king. The audit delves into keyword usage, title tags, meta descriptions, and content quality to ensure your pages are relevant and engaging for both users and search engines.
  • Technical SEO Health: This encompasses various checks, including structured data markup for rich snippets, image optimization, and internal linking structure. These elements help search engines better understand your content and improve your search ranking potential.
  • Competitor Analysis: Knowing your rivals’ strengths and weaknesses is key to strategic SEO. The audit might include an analysis of your competitor’s technical SEO performance, providing valuable insights for improvement.
  • Actionable Recommendations: A good audit doesn’t just diagnose problems; it provides solutions. You’ll receive a prioritized list of actionable recommendations, tailored to your website’s specific needs, to help you fix the identified issues and optimize your technical SEO.

Remember, SEO technical audits are like regular checkups for your website’s health. By regularly identifying and addressing technical hurdles, you ensure your website runs smoothly, appears higher in search results, and ultimately attracts more organic traffic.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an SEO Technical Audit Service

  • Your Budget: Prices vary greatly. Some agencies offer one-time audits, while others provide ongoing monitoring and support. Define your budget before diving in.
  • Your Website’s Size and Complexity: Simple websites might require smaller agencies, while large e-commerce platforms might benefit from specialized firms.
  • Industry Expertise: Look for agencies with experience in your niche, as specific technical considerations might exist.
  • Client Testimonials and Reviews: Check for positive experiences from previous clients in your industry.
  • Communication Style and Transparency: Ensure clear communication and a willingness to answer your questions throughout the process.

Highly-Regarded SEO Technical Audit Service Companies

Large Agencies with Global Reach

  • Moz: Well-known in the SEO industry, provides various audit tiers and emphasizes data-driven strategies.
    • Strengths: Established reputation, data-driven approach, variety of audit tiers, access to SEO tools.
  •  SEMrush: A popular SEO tool platform, also offers in-depth technical audits with competitor analysis.
    • Strengths: Popular SEO platform, competitor analysis features, international coverage, custom reporting.
  •  WebFX: Offers comprehensive audits and ongoing monitoring, with transparent pricing and industry-specific expertise.
    • Strengths: Global reach, diverse industry experience, transparent pricing, ongoing monitoring and support.

Mid-Sized Agencies with Specialized Services

  • Summit Scout: Offers a team of technical SEO experts equipped with the experience and resources to sustain a website’s online presence.
    • Strengths: Creates a comprehensive roadmap, builds on user experience, has expert SEO resources, and fixes broken elements.
  •  Thrive: Focuses on technical SEO and content optimization, with experience across various industries.
    • Strengths: Technical SEO focus, content optimization expertise, experience across various industries.
  •  Pearl Lemon: Offers in-depth technical audits and prides itself on transparency and client communication.
    • Strengths: Transparency and client communication, in-depth technical audits, performance optimization focus.
  •  Asper Brothers: Specializes in technical SEO and website migrations, with a focus on performance optimization.
    • Strengths: Technical SEO and website migration expertise, performance optimization solutions, focus on long-term results.

Building Your SEO with Summit Scout

With all of the insights we’ve provided in this article, it’s important to remember a few tips to help you decide on an SEO technical audit service. Remember to ask for proposals and compare pricing and services from several agencies before making a decision. You should also schedule consultations to discuss your specific needs and ensure a good fit. Don’t be afraid to negotiate and ask questions!

Technical SEO may seem like a daunting task, but it’s important to keep in mind all the little details that go into making sure your site is accessible and visible to search engines. By choosing an SEO technical audit service, you can make sure your small business site has a solid technical foundation that will help you rank higher in search results and get more visibility online. Advance ahead of your competitors with Summit Scout today and learn more from our technical SEO consultants! Schedule a free Technical SEO Consultation with our team of experts today! Also learn more from our technical SEO audit ultimate guide here!

Ansley Merrill

Ansley is the Content Marketing Manager at Summit Scout. Since graduating from Utah State University with two degrees in Communication Studies and Journalism: Public Relations, Ansley specializes in creating engaging and informative SEO content for readers, customers, and partners through different marketing channels. Along with creating new content, Ansley works to keep content organized and creates and executes new content strategies. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, visit National Parks, and loves all things Disney.